
1. Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error

2. Enabling WP_DEBUG in WordPress

3. Custom Permalinks Return 404 Errors

4. How to Customize the Style of Header/ Footer/ Top Bar?

5. Creating a Google Maps API Key

6. Assign selected footer to my page

7. Import Failed!

8. I have imported demo but no image are included? Why?

9. Outdated WooCommerce Files?

10. 500 Internal Server Error

11. Enable Darkmode Switcher

12. What To Do If Demo Content Import Fails

13. How to set up LiteSpeed Cache plugin to optimize the site

14. Where is my purchase code?

15. How to Translate Themes and Plugins using Poedit

16. How theme licensing works?

17. Plugins Licenses

18. Problem with WordPress 5.5

19. How to Edit Top Sale Banner

20. The Icons are not visible in Firefox, Chrome, IE or Safari

21. Theme Requirements

22. How To Customize Mega Menu

23. How to update the theme

24. How to Update Theme When Support Period Is Expired

25. Teacher Roles

26. Why does my website have slow loading?

27. White screen (blank page) after installing theme

28. How to transfer Footer from Elementor Pro plugin to ThemeMove Addons For Elementor plugin.

29. How to translate the theme

30. About Google Map API

1. Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error

The common issue occur when installing a WordPress theme is “ The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet”. It make installing process can not be completed.

When you download theme file from Themeforest, you will have 2 options:

Option 1: Download Wordpress file only.

Option 2: Download full package (full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable Wordpress file to upload when you install the theme.

Make sure that you are uploading only the installable theme which is called If you upload all these file, you will get an error.


Upload the installable WordPress file admin area

Step 1: Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate Appearance >> Theme

Step 3: Click on  Add New >> Upload

Step 4: Browse and select theme Zip file to Upload


Upload via FTP

Step 1: Unzip file package

Step 2:  Connect to your FTP server and navigate to the folder where your WP is installed.

Step 3: Go to wp-content/theme/ and upload theme folder ( the path will look like this wp-content/themes/tm-nameoftheme)

Step 4: Open WP admin panel and go Appearance >> Themes on admin sidebar. Active Brook.


Note: Please make sure that file style.css include in theme file. To check it, you can open theme file and look for it.


2. Enabling WP_DEBUG in WordPress

WP_DEBUG is a PHP constant  that can be used to trigger the “debug” mode throughout WordPress.  When we enable WP_DEBUG, it will display any PHP error on the front end. This is the most useful tool when troubleshooting your site for errors. 

It is hard for you to find the problem when your site has error and what you see in front-end is just blank screen or content missing. The recommendation for you is to enable this plugins on all your site. You can find directly and collectedly the error when you try to install a new plugin or update a theme. Then what you have to do is to fix it yourself or contact the developer.

Below are the steps required to enable WP_Debug for your WordPress installation.

  1. Access your website’s root folder via FTP or SFTP
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file
  3. Open this file in a text editor (I prefer SublimeText)
  4. Search for “WP_Debug” and if you find it set the value to true if currently set to false
  5. If you didn’t locate “WP_Debug” scroll down near the bottom of the file and add the following code right before the line that says “# That’s It. Pencils down”

See more:  Troubleshooting WordPress in 60 seconds

3. Custom Permalinks Return 404 Errors

If you are getting 404 error when accessing pages, please see the information below. 

When you try to setup your WordPress installation and new theme. You navigate to Admin >> Settings >> Permalinks then selected something different with the default option. And what you get is a generic “404 Error- Page not found” message. What should you do now? 

Firstly, let us explain this situation. This is not a theme issue. This problem is belong to core WordPress installation or web server configuration. It cause because of few things:

So the question is how can you fix it?

There are several ways to fix your problem. Try one of the solutions below:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.

4. How to Customize the Style of Header/ Footer/ Top Bar?

Very often, users wonder why they have changed the header/ footer/ top bar style but somehow the changes weren't applied. The problem lies in that they just might have chosen it from the wrong place. Here is how it works for header/footer and top bar. 

There are two kinds of things to notice: default/global style and custom style. Default style is the style you choose from the Customize menu, and it will be the universal or global style applied to ALL PAGES if you enable this feature. Custom style is a specific style you choose to apply to an individual page only at Page Options section. 

Remember that: The custom style you select for each page at Page Options will always OVERRIDE the default style. 

1. To set a style as default (or global style) for all pages

Go to Customize >> Header/ Footer/ Top bar , we'll see this feature from the Retrolie theme.

Here (image below) you can see that the Global Header is using the Standard type, it means that all pages that don't have a custom header style, it will be using the Global Header - Standard type. You can also change the type of header from the drop down list to another type, i.e. Standard Overlay. 

Now, at the default header for Single Page, if you choose Use Global Header, then all pages will use the Standard type as the default header. If you change the style here to Standard Overlay for example, then all pages will use Standard Overlay as the default header, not the Standard type from Global Header. That's how you can set the header style for multiple pages at a time. 

2. To set a custom style for an individual page

 Click Edit page then scroll down to Page Options section of that page, you will find:

Set the default style at Page Options or choose a style

Here, the header part has the top bar and header type options. You can select to show or hide the top bar. When you choose the default type for the top bar, then the settings in the Customize >> Top Bar will be applied. 

With the header type, the style 05 Standard-Overlay-Dark is chosen, so this page will use header style 05 instead of using the Global Header Standard type in the Customize section. If you choose the Default from drop down list, then the Global Header is in use. In some themes, you can type in the number or the name of a header style into a box, if you choose to leave it empty, then the default style will be applied. The same goes to Footer style.

In case you might still find it confusing or the problem remains unsolved, then you can send a ticket to us, our support team will take a look at the case for you. 

5. Creating a Google Maps API Key

Step 1: Navigate to the Google Map Platform and click Get Start button.

Step 2: Enable Google Maps Platform by selecting the Maps, Routes, and Places check boxes and hit Continue.

Step 3: If this is the first time you create an API Key, you will create a Project first.

Name your project then click Next button. 

Step 4: Wait for the billing prompt and click Create Billing Account.

Name your Billing Account and Organization then hit Continue. Then select your country and hit Confirm

Select your country and hit Confirm.

Enter your customer info and card information.

Hit Submit and enable billing.

Note:  You will get up to 28,000 map requests per month and 40,000 direction call per month for free. You will only be billed when your usage exceeds your monthly $200 credit limit.

When your billing has been set-up, you can move onto creating API Key.

 Step 5: Hit Credentials option on the API manager menu in the right sidebar.

Hit Create Credentials.

Click on API Key on the pop-up window and copy the generated API key to your clipboard.

Step 6: Log in your WordPress back-end. Navigate Appearance >> Advance >> Advance. Then paste API key to Google API Key  box. Hit Publish

Step 7: Back to Google API Manager. You will want to restrict access to your API Key to avoid having it “ hacked” and going over your quota. Click Restrict Key

Select HTTP referrers (web sites) and enter the following domains under Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites) replacing with your domain name:


Click Save button.

Step 8: To enable the required API functions to your project, click Library link in the API Manager sidebar menu. Hit Google Maps JavaScript API panel. 

The JavaScript API will probably already be enabled. If the JavaScript API is not enable, then click Enable button on the Google Maps Javascript API window. 

Sometimes, Google does not activate all the required APIs and you may have to manually enable these APIs. The following is a quick list of all the APIs that need to be enabled along with your JavaScript API:

6. Assign selected footer to my page

In case you want to use a specific footer for your special page, you can follow these 3 easy steps below: 

Hit save & close to finish.

7. Import Failed!

After checking The Requirements article and you believe that you have met all requirements, but, still cannot import demo content. Then, you can try this method: 

Firstly, You need to get the zip file from our support team (it's private link) and paste the URL to your browser. The browser may alert you that the website is not secure, this is due to the expired SSL certificate, you an ignore it and keep processing. If you are in Chrome, just click in "Advanced" and click in the option "Proceed to (unsafe)". This would trigger the download of the zip file. 

Secondly, you have to put this zip file inside a server that you own or have access to. For example, you can put it in your local environment or just put it inside the "public_html" folder if you are in a shared server or a remote one. Depending on your web server or hosting provider, you may need to give it full access permissions (read and write at least), but don’t worry, this is just temporary while we renovates the certificate.

Lastly, you have to modify this file: wp-content/themes/maxcoach/framework/class-import.php and change this code located inside the "import_demos" function:

'url'        => 'privatelink'

and substitute the URL to the one you saved your file. In my case I changed it to: 

'url'        => 'http://localhost:8080/Wordpress/zipfilename'

But if you saved it in public_html folder inside your shared server or your VPS or whatever, it would look something like this:

'url'        => 'http://YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME/zipfilename'

With this, you may re-attempt to run the importer, and should work.

Moreover, we are working on this issue this week to provide a better automatic solution, so, you can wait if you want. 

We apologize for any inconvenience you've met & thank you so much for your patience for us. 

Have a nice day! 

8. I have imported demo but no image are included? Why?

Most of demo's images have own copyright and you need to purchase them by yourself. All of our template have the same situation. You can purchase or download free images here:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.

9. Outdated WooCommerce Files?

Actually, it’s just the notification in your administration dashboard which is saying the theme includes some outdated WooCommerce templates. And, it doesn’t give any bad effect to your site & its functions. So, you can work normally with the current version of our theme.

About the updating, we need to check plugin’s latest version first, to be sure it will not bring any issues to your site. Because, sometimes, the plugin’s developer made a mistake and they need to release a fixing version. So, we will check and update theme soon. 

Whenever we release new version, we will notify you via email.

10. 500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error, also the 500 Error, can be caused by something from your web's server, and it is not related to the theme. There's not much you can do about that. But following are some possible ways for you to fix this issue:

1. Increase the PHP memory limit:

One way is to increase the memory limit allocated to PHP. This setting increases PHP Memory only for WordPress, not other applications. 

By default, WordPress will allocate 40MB for a single site and 64MB for multiple sites. This code is found at the beginning of /wp-includes/default-constants.php), so the setting in wp-config.php should be adjusted to be higher than 40MB or 64MB depending on your setup.

For more specific instructions on this, you can refer to

Note that some host might not allow users to increase the memory limit of PHP. In this case, you might have to contact your host company and ask them to increase the memory limit for your site.

2. Adjust host configurations: 

Open file "php.ini", which is located in host (contact with your host service provider to help you with it). Then find and customize the following fields:

3. Clear browser's cache / cookies:

Sometimes clearing cache or browser cookies can help you, too. There might be something from your browser that causes the problem. Just delete caches / cookies then refresh your browser. You can rest assured because this won't affect your database.

In case you need more guides on this issue for reference, pay a visit to:

11. Enable Darkmode Switcher

Switcher dark mode is off by default.

So, you should turn it on at Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Colors > Allow User's site skin
And then, you can see the switcher in Frontend > Dashboard > Settings > Preferences

12. What To Do If Demo Content Import Fails

If the import fails and does not respond after a few minutes, or it announces that “ Import failed”, your PHP configuration limits too low to complete the process. Please contact your Web host and ask them to increase those limits follow this minimum:

You can take a look in our article Theme Requirements to have more idea about this situation. 

You can verify your PHP configuration limits and check your PHP error logs to see the exact error being returned by installing PHP Info plugin

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.


13. How to set up LiteSpeed Cache plugin to optimize the site

About LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress

The LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin is an all-in-one site acceleration plugin, featuring an exclusive server-level cache and a collection of optimization features. It helps enhance WordPress site performance by taking advantage of the LiteSpeed wen server's built-in page cache, resulting in faster page load time for visitors. 

Installing the plugin


Configuring the plugin

After activated successfully the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, you can follow our instructions to optimize your site's speed.

Note: If the option Load JS Deferred is ON, you need to add 2 more rows into JS Deferred Excludes box like the below screenshot:

If you make any other changes to the settings, click Save Changes to save the new configuration.

14. Where is my purchase code?

Let us show you how to get your license/purchase code.

Firstly, to obtain the Item Purchase Code, please go to your account >> Download >> click on “ License certificate and purchase code

Open the text file and look for “ Item Purchase Code”.Congratulation! You get your Purchase Code already !! 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.

15. How to Translate Themes and Plugins using Poedit

Poedit is a software that you can use to translate themes and plugins to your preferred local language. This is available for Windows, Mac & Linux users and can be downloaded from This software has a Pro version, but the free version should be sufficient for you to do the translation.

You can use Poedit for any RTL language as well as Hindi.

Before translating, you will need the following:

Once you have both, follow the instructions below.

1. Open the Poedit >> Create new translation

2. Locate the .pot file in the folder of the theme/plugin you want to translate.

3. Choose the target language of your translation.

Note: WordPress uses a language code for every language there is. Your translation needs to follow this, or otherwise it won't work. For the list of the language codes used by WordPress, please click this LINK.

4. Once the target language have been properly selected, you can now begin the translation.

Once done, remember to click File >> Save As

5. Make sure that you saved the file in the correct format.

The format should be: theme-text-domain-language_code.

For example: brook-it_IT for translating Brook to Italian.

The text domain of any theme (if it's translatable) can be found in the style.css file of that theme:

The text domain of any plugin(if it's translatable) can be found in the main plugin file(usually named the same as the plugin itself):

Once you click save PoEdit will automatically generate .po and .mo files for you.

Upload these two files in this location by accessing your site via FTP or your hosting file manager program, once connected go to wp-content/languages/themes (when dealing with themes) or wp-content/languages/plugins (when dealing with plugin translation).

If you do not have this languages folder in your wp-content folder then simply create it.

6. Change the local language in WordPress.

Once you have added the .po and .mo files to the said location, go to your WordPress Dashboard >> Settings >> General

Under Site Language, change it to the same language as your Poedit translation.

Check and test your site to see if it's working.

16. How theme licensing works?

Regarding to ThemeForest rules each theme purchase license is valid for only one domain and to install it in another domain you’ll need another purchase code.

You are allowed to install the theme in a test environment before officially use on your real site. 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.

17. Plugins Licenses

The plugins are just bundled with the theme, so, we are not able to re-distribute the licenses to our customers because of the copyright.

You have 2 choices to update the plugins.

Option 1: You can purchase your own plugin's license to activate them to receive automatic updates.

Option 2: You also can get plugin updates each time our theme is updated. If you choose this option you will need to wait for the next update. 

Bundled plugins offer the same core features and functionality as the standalone version of the item on CodeCanyon.

Some plugins may ask for a purchase code for registration/activation once installed, however, you can simply ignore these messages as bundled plugins do not require activation or registration. The plugin will still work as intended with the theme once the theme has been activated/registered.

When a plugin is updated, we will include the latest version of the bundled plugin with our next theme update. So you can easily update the bundled plugin when you next update your theme.

It is worth noting that we will fully test plugins to make certain there are no conflicts with our own update.

You can read more these articles for further information: 

Bundled Plugins

How do licenses work

18. Problem with WordPress 5.5

Thousands of websites have become broken since WordPress 5.5 shipped without a JavaScript library called jQuery Migrate. We've updated all of our themes and now they are compatible with WordPress 5.5. 

Follow our instruction to make your site work perfectly again:

  1. Update your site to the latest version of the theme - we have done the job to be sure our themes are compatible with  5.5 
  2. Install Enable jQuery Migrate Helper to fix the problem
  3. Clear cache and reload your site.

Problem solved. 

19. How to Edit Top Sale Banner

Step 1: Copy the section to the page you want to add the sale banner. Then, using Elementor to edit content. 

You also can save it as Elementor template to use later

Step 2: Go to Page Editor, then, go down to the end of page: Page Options > Layout> Body Class  then, set custom class as ‘has-badge-on-top’ 

20. The Icons are not visible in Firefox, Chrome, IE or Safari

Please contact to your hosting company to configure your server follow this guide:

If you do not explicitly allow this, the browsers should not use fonts served from a different domain.

Please also note that there is not much we can do to fix this issue because this problem is not a theme related issue and the host company will not allow third party to mess around with the server configuration. 

21. Theme Requirements

Thank you for taking sides with us and purchasing our theme. In order for the theme to function properly on your site, you must be running WordPress 5.8 or higher, PHP 7.4  - 8.1, and MySQL 5 or higher. We have tested it with Mac, Windows and Linux. Below is a list of items you should check to make sure your host can comply with.

Hosting is more secure when PHP applications, like WordPress, are running using your account’s username instead of the server’s default shared username (www or www-data). The most common way for hosting companies to do this is using PHP. Just ask your potential host if they run PHP or something similar.

Recommended PHP Configuration Limits

Many issues that you may run into such as: white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page content, etc. are related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own, or contact your web host and ask them to adjust as follows:

You can verify your PHP configuration limits in the System tab in the Backend-mainpage. We take our newly developed theme, Brook, a responsive WordPress theme for creative businesses as an example for you to learn how to do. Navigate to your admin dashboard then find Insight Core > System.

Your job is to turn 4 sections from yellow to green.

Tips for this part:

* WP Memory Limit: find the file wp-config.php. Add the line "define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' ); above the line /*That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging.*/ 

* WP Debug Mode: It is not importance to set WP Debug Mode then do not worry about it.

* PHP Time limit: find the file wp-config.php. Add the line “set_time_limit(600);” above the line /That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging./

* PHP Max Input Vars: Find .htaccess in folder Root of website. Add the line “php_value max_input_vars 5000”

How to choose PHP version and enable PHP extension?

Step 1: Come cPanel find select PHP version

Step 2: Choose version 7.4.x and enable XML reader extension

Step 3: Save the changes

Now you have set up all the basic theme requirements, you can proceed to configure other settings for your theme by referring to related articles on support center homepage. Thank you for spending time with us.

22. How To Customize Mega Menu

You can watch our tutorial video

or follow the step-by-step guide below:

Step 1 – Mega menus in a theme can be configured using WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) plugin, from the admin Dashboard, navigate to Mega Menu. Here you can make adjustments or add a new one: 

You can use WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) to edit mega menus just as normal pages. Tip: To edit the content of the menu in a more effective way, switch to Text mode.

Step 2 – To add a new mega menu to your theme, navigate to Appearance >> Menus then choose among available menus for a suitable place for your new mega menu: 

Go to Screen Options and put a tick to the box of Mega Menus to display it:

Finally, select the mega menus that you need (tick in the box) then click Add to menu, or you can drag and drop them to the desired order of display, then hit Save Menu to save all of your changes.

And voila, your mega menu is ready.

23. How to update the theme

There are 2 ways to update the theme

Option 1: Update Automatically

Step 1: Navigate to Insight Studio core >> Welcome

Step 2: Fill your Purchase code and submit. Then the template automatically updated. 

Option 2: Update theme by replace the old version

Step 1: You need to deactivate the current Brook theme in Appearance > Themes section by simply activating a different theme. Once you activate a different theme, you can delete the Brook.

Step 2: Retrieve the file from your new Themeforest download. If you download All files & documentation, then you need to unzip the archive file you received, the file will be inside of it. 

 Step 3: Then simply upload and activate the file in the Appearance > Themes section like you've done when installing theme.


or Insight Core > Update

Appearance >> Theme

24. How to Update Theme When Support Period Is Expired

Hi there, 

Occasionally, you might have a problem updating your theme when the support period is over. Here are steps for you to update your theme: 

- Login to your Envato account

- Navigate to the download tab in order to get the latest update

- Follow the steps demonstrated in our documentation to manually update your theme

- Next, you'll also have to to update the Insight Core plugin. 

Once finished, from then on, every time a new update is released, the theme will be automatically updated. Users don't have to manually update their theme anymore. 

25. Teacher Roles

If you have an education center and want to let other teachers the right to create courses, lessons, posts, events and zoom meetings but no access to admin dashboard. Every teacher will have his/her own dashboard to create courses, lessons, etc. 

You can guide teacher to follow the instruction below: 

Step 1: The user needs to create his/her account:

Step 2: The user apply to  be a teacher:

Step 3: Admin approve the request, set limitations for the account. 

26. Why does my website have slow loading?

There are many reasons why a WordPress website is slow.

1. Use of too many plugins

The more plugins you use, the more resources your site needs. Thus, only use the ones that you need and trust. Disable all unused plugins to save the resources. Remember to update all plugins to latest versions.

2. Use of too many large images

Modern websites use a lot of big images. Visitors love it. However, too many of them on a page can increase the loading time.

Thus, make sure the page does not load too many images and images should be in the correct size. 

3. Not cached

If you haven’t used a caching plugin, use it now. It greatly enhance the performance of your site. Two most popular caching plugins for WordPress are W3 Total Cache and Super Cache. Depends on your experience, choose the one you need.

If possible, use a CDN to host images and media files.

4. Not too powerful host

If you are using a shared host, bear in mind that it has limited resources. If you run a complex theme, such hosts may not handle well. Therefore, check your hosting capacity and increase it if possible.

5. Template function: 

We are always listen the feedback from customer to update the theme function in order bring the best environment to customer. 

27. White screen (blank page) after installing theme

1. Step 1: Read following article:

2. Step 2: If the article above did not help you, then, just delete unnecessary plugins via host or wp-content/plugins and then try again.

3. Step 3: Finally, if none of above steps worked then use following instruction to make your "WP_DEBUG" true and send your WordPress admin user/password and FTP login information in a private ticket for deeper examination:

28. How to transfer Footer from Elementor Pro plugin to ThemeMove Addons For Elementor plugin.

Due to copyright reasons, the theme no longer uses Elementor Pro. Here's how to convert Footer from Elementor Pro to ThemeMove Addons for Elementor:

1. Install Elementor Pro plugin and ThemeMove Addons for Elementor plugin.

2. Create a new Footer template in TM Footer

3. Edit Footer (Elementor Pro Footer)

Copy All Content

4. Paste the content into the newly created TM Footer.

5. Update > Set Conditions display as Entire Site

29. How to translate the theme

You want to translate your site to another language but you can not do it with the theme part. So, you can follow the instruction below: 

Loco Translate plugin is the best solution for you.

Step 1: Navigate to  Plugins >> Add New

Step 2: Find Loco Translate in Search Plugins box

Step 3: Install and active this plugin.

Step 4: Loco Translate plugins has worked in your site already. Find Loco Translate the left column of the admin screen

Step 5: Choose your template then hit to new language.

Choose a language you want and choose a location. There are 3 types of locations such as:

After choosing location, please hit Start translating button.

Now you can see the table like this

Find the text you want to translate in Filter translations box then the text you choose will appear in Source text box. You can type the translation version in below box. And do not forget to hit “ Save” button.

Step 6: Do not forget to navigate to Setting >> General >> change Site language to the language you choose to translate to.

Step 7: Back to Front –End to check the result.

* Can't find the translated string?

In case the theme has been updated and the language file has been changed, you may not find the string to be translated. Please click the Sync button to update the new translation strings for the translation.

30. About Google Map API

To add your address to Google Map section, you should go to Customize > Advance 

And, then, put your API code to the yellow section. 
